At ZeroRange Healthcare, our commitment to patient support goes beyond clinical
interventions. We understand that patients are on complex healthcare journeys that deeply
affect their lives and families. Alongside this understanding, we offer digital tools that support
patient programs, ensuring a holistic approach to healthcare that meets the diverse needs of
patients and their families throughout their healthcare journey.
We provide various digital solutions to cater the business needs of clients. Through advanced
technology, we offer tools that help clients manage their healthcare-related programs,
generating insights and analytics.
Patient Support
Develop and Implement Patient Support Program –
We offer customized patient support services, including
engagement programs led by Healthcare Professionals
(HCPs). Our goal is to empower patients throughout
their holistic healthcare journey
Patient Financial Assistance –
Patient financial
assistance services aim to ease the burden of
healthcare costs for individuals experiencing financial
hardship. These services include providing guidance on
financial aid and engaging with relevant stakeholders.
Patient Education On Health And Disease Management –
We provide tailored patient education
and engagement programs, which encompass the
development of patient educational materials, learning
and development opportunities, leadership capability
building, and specifically designed patient workshops.
Digital Solutions
Digital Patient Loyalty Programs –
Our digital patient
loyalty platforms are accustomed to suit each client’s
specific needs. By leveraging digital platforms, we
enhance patient engagement and loyalty, thereby
positively impacting long-term healthcare outcomes
and patient retention. By implementing digital
platforms tailored to our clients, we foster a continuity of
care that extends beyond clinical encounters.
Digital Health –
We offer a range of digital health
services, configured to meet our client’s individual
requirements. From tele-consult to remote patient
monitoring, our digital services aim to provide seamless,
integrated care solutions that augment traditional
healthcare delivery methods.
Data Analysis and Management –
Data analysis and
management are critical components of modern
organizational strategy. At ZeroRange Healthcare, our digital
programs empower organizations to leverage data as a
strategic asset, enhancing operational efficiency,
customer experience, and competitive advantage in
today’s data-driven landscape.